Child Consultant Services

What is Child Inclusive Mediation?

Child Inclusive Mediation (CIM) is a specialised approach within family mediation that ensures children have a voice in the mediation process without being directly involved in the sessions themselves. It allows parents to gain a deeper understanding of their child’s experiences and perspectives during family separation, helping them make more informed and child-focused decisions.

This practice is designed to be supportive and non-intrusive rather than therapeutic. No written reports are provided, and feedback sessions are strictly confidential and inadmissible in court proceedings. As a child consultant, I maintain the highest level of confidentiality, sharing insights with parents only when the child consents. My role is to act as an impartial and non-judgmental facilitator, helping parents understand their child’s emotions and experiences without making formal recommendations.

What is a Child Consultant?

A Child Consultant is a trained professional specialising in working with children and young people during the family mediation process. My goal is to create a neutral and safe environment where children can freely express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns about their parents’ separation. This ensures that the child’s voice is heard and considered when making parenting arrangements, fostering a process that prioritises their well-being.

Why Choose Annemie Hamilton as Your Child Consultant?

With many years of experience in family dispute resolution and child consultancy, I bring a deep understanding of the emotional needs of children during family transitions. What sets me apart is my combination of professional knowledge, extensive training, and a genuine passion for advocating for children’s voices.

My expertise is not just theoretical—it’s practical, backed by years of experience working directly with families and children. My training includes specialised programs such as Jennifer McIntosh’s Child Inclusive and Mediation Program, which equips me with the tools to provide insightful and tailored guidance to each family I work with.

I approach each case with empathy, professionalism, and a commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for children and their families. By choosing me as your child consultant, you’re opting for a dedicated professional who will work tirelessly to ensure that your child’s voice is heard and that their well-being is prioritised throughout the mediation process.

Benefits of Child Consultant Services

Understanding the Child’s Perspective

I help parents gain valuable insights into their child’s feelings about the separation, ensuring decisions are made with the child’s best interests at heart.

Empowering Children

Children are given the opportunity to be heard and respected, fostering a sense of involvement and empowerment in the mediation process.

Reducing Emotional Harm

My approach minimises the psychological impact of family disputes by providing children with a supportive space to express their emotions.

Improving Co-Parenting Relationships

My services facilitate better communication and cooperation between parents, which is essential for effective co-parenting.

Focusing on the Child’s Well-being

The child’s mental health and emotional well-being are always at the forefront of our discussions, ensuring their needs are prioritised in decision-making.

How Does Child Consultancy Work?

Initial Consultation
We begin with an individual intake session to understand your family dynamics and determine if Child Inclusive Practice is suitable for your situation.
Child Consultant Sessions
I meet with your child/children in a safe, neutral setting to explore their feelings about the separation. These sessions are designed to be supportive and non-intrusive.
Feedback to Parents
With the child’s consent, I provide feedback to the parents, offering insights into the child’s experiences and emotions. Depending on the situation, this feedback may be shared in separate sessions or with both parents together.
The final step is attending mediation to discuss and agree on a child-focused parenting arrangement. The mediator facilitates these discussions, incorporating the feedback I provide.

Benefits of Child Inclusive Mediation

Empowers Children

Children feel heard and valued as their thoughts and feelings are considered. Provides a safe space for children to express themselves, reducing stress and anxiety associated with family changes.

Supports Parents

Parents gain a deeper understanding of their child’s emotional state and needs, leading to more informed and compassionate decision-making. Encourages cooperation and communication between parents, improving their ability to work together for the child’s benefit.

Promotes Well-Being

Ensures that the child’s best interests are at the forefront of parenting arrangements. Helps reduce the emotional and psychological impact of parental conflict on children.

Empower Your Child’s Voice in Mediation

Ensure your child’s well-being is prioritised during family mediation. As a specialised Child Consultant, I create a safe space for your child to express their thoughts and feelings, helping you make informed, child-focused decisions. Let’s work together to give your child the voice they deserve.

Contact AID Resolutions
For an obligation-free discussion to explore your needs

If you are interested in learning more about how our Child Consultant services can assist your family, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to help you navigate this challenging time with compassion and expertise, ensuring that your child’s voice is heard, and their well-being is always the top priority.

Suitability of Child Inclusive Mediation
  • Age Consideration: Generally recommended for children aged 5 and up.
  • Parental Consent: Both parents must agree to the child’s participation.
  • Case Appropriateness: Not all cases are suitable for CIM. As the mediator and child consultant, I will assess your family’s situation to determine if CIM is beneficial.