Mediation Services

What is Mediation?

Mediation is a confidential, interactive and structured process whereby an independent and neutral third party (mediator) assists disputing parties in finding a resolution to help resolve a dispute or conflict. Through open communication and assessment of options, the mediator facilitates the negotiation of all people involved to reach a mutually acceptable agreement regarding the matter at hand.

Both involved parties are encouraged to actively participate in the mediation process in order to reach a positive outcome for all persons involved. This is an affordable way for people to attempt to resolve a dispute and is an effective alternative to court proceedings.

Mediation is usually a voluntary process that’s sought to resolve many different types of disputes without having to attend court. However, at times, court orders or statutes may require compulsory participation in mediation.

Unlike the litigation process, where an impartial third party imposes a decision over the matter, the parties and the mediator largely control the mediation process. Mediation is sought for many different reasons and types of disputes, including;

  • family dispute resolution and separation mediation
  • property and financial disputes
  • commercial and small business disputes
  • neighbourhood and community disputes

Mediators do not provide legal advice, force parties into agreements or decide who is right. Instead, they offer an effective alternative solution to the legal system and provide all parties involved with the opportunity to actively participate in reaching an amicable agreement.

Here at AID Resolutions, we strive to provide a welcoming, inclusive, safe and neutral space for all participants involved in the mediation process. We want all parties to feel comfortable, recognised and heard through the facilitation of constructive conversation and hosted mediation.

We provide flexible dispute resolution and mediation services to suit your specific needs and circumstances, with the provision of face-to-face mediation at a location of your choice. We also provide remote mediation options, including telephone sessions and online mediation via video conferencing, in the case of high conflict or parties being in different locations.

Our Mediation & Dispute Resolution Services

Get Started with a complimentary telephone mediation consultation today!

At AID Resolutions, we strive to provide you with a comfortable and supportive environment in which you can explore the challenges you are facing and work toward reaching an agreement. Call us today to discuss your mediation needs!

Why Choose AID Resolutions for Mediation?

Calm Approach

We provide a calm, inclusive, and welcoming space for all parties to facilitate a successful mediation process. Through our extensive dispute resolution experience, you can feel confident knowing that you're in capable hands.

Personalised Service

Our experienced mediators provide tailored & professional service to help you move forward with your life. Through mediation, both parties are able to achieve a resolution that they are comfortable with, without having to worry about exorbitant legal costs.

Timely & Flexible Options

AID Resolutions puts you first and strives to respond to every client inquiry as quickly as possible. If you need online mediation, face-to-face mediation or telephone mediation, we can tailor our services to meet your specific needs & circumstances.

Experienced & Certified

We are nationally accredited mediators and registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners (FDRP). With extensive experience in the field, we are also registered as part of the Australian Mediation Association to give you total peace of mind.

How Does Mediation Work & Why Use It?

Mediators assist people and organisations in conflict, work on reaching an agreement by acting as a neutral third party. It’s an effective alternative to the legal system for several reasons and provides numerous benefits, such as:

Mediation costs significantly less than going through the court system where each party is required to have their own legal representation.

Our mediation services allow you to participate fully in the end result. It offers both parties in dispute the opportunity to directly engage in the process and agree on a shared resolution.

Mediation is a convenient option that helps you avoid the lengthy, drawn-out process of attending court. It is a practical alternative to the high costs and complexities of the legal system, saving a lot of time for everyone involved. It works to resolve disputes as quickly and efficiently as possible, with sessions generally running from a half or full day to 2-3 weeks.

Mediation is conducted in private whereas court proceedings are recorded and made available to the public. Especially when regarding separation, family and parenting matters, mediation can be a much less intimidating alternative to the litigation process.

Your mediator serves as a supportive but neutral presence for both sides, helping clients facilitate open discussion and explore a range of possible solutions, ultimately leading to a mutually agreeable outcome.

Benefits Of Mediation

Mediation provides you and the other party with the opportunity to resolve your particular dispute in an open, safe & conducive space. Whether it involves family matters, property and financial settlements, separation, small business, or neighbours, our mediation and dispute resolution services can help you avoid the formality and excessive legal costs associated with court proceedings.

AID Resolutions and Mediation services enable you to be an active participant in the outcomes that impact your future so that you can start focusing on rebuilding your life. It offers many benefits compared to going through the legal system, including;

Fast & Affordable Mediation

Fast & Affordable

Ordinarily, a dispute can be resolved more quickly through mediation compared to the court process. You can also avoid the extensive associated legal costs of preparing and running a trial. Mediation is a prompt process, usually taking between a half or full day and up to a few weeks, which is much faster than going through the courts.

Informal & Flexible Mediation

Informal & Flexible

Mediation is customised to suit your individual needs & circumstances, empowering the involved parties regarding the final outcome. As a less formal process, the mediator supports both parties to come to a mutual resolution. It's a great alternative to the intimidating nature of court & can be held in person, over the phone or via video conference.

Confidential Mediation


Mediation is a completely confidential process that's carried out in a private setting as a joint process or an individual session. Compared to court, where all your information is kept on public record, details of your mediation are kept confidential and can only be disclosed if there is a threat to a person or property.

Minimises Stress Mediation

Minimises Stress

Mediation is less formal and less intimidating than appearing in court. By coming to an agreement with a mediator, the stress of living with uncertainty is greatly alleviated, allowing all parties involved in the dispute to carry on with their lives. Conversely, the court process can be extremely stressful, adversarial, expensive and time-consuming.

Family Dispute Resolution & Separation Mediation

Feel Heard

Mediation can help you feel not only valued but ultimately empowered as you get to tell your side of the story & have constructive conversations about issues and proposed arrangements. Everyone’s perspectives, needs, concerns and interests are taken into account in the mediation process, with all options being considered.

Family Dispute Resolution & Separation Mediation

Cease Conflict

Mediation promotes open communication between the parties, assisting them in working together towards a mutual agreement. Manage the emotional burden of conflict when dealing with your ex-partner, business associate, family members or neighbour. Our calming setting is conducive to resolving any kind of dispute.

Family Dispute Resolution and Separation Mediation

Protect Families

Facing growing uncertainty and unresolved conflict can have detrimental impacts on any children that are involved. Disputes following divorce or separation can negatively impact their wellbeing. However, when both parents come to an agreement through mediation, the children benefit greatly from added clarity and security.

Family Dispute Resolution and Separation Mediation

Make a New Start

Attending mediation to resolve your dispute can help you focus on rebuilding your life. It allows parties to participate directly in the process of reaching an agreement and attaining a satisfying outcome. In court, the outcome is instead dictated by the judge and jury. Our mediation services allow you to gain closure and finality.

Please note: In most cases under Family Law, it is compulsory for parties to make a genuine attempt to resolve disputes through Family Mediation before commencing court proceedings. A Section 60I Certificate can be obtained by the mediator and is required should you wish to enter the court system. For example, if you wish to turn your parenting arrangements into consent orders.

Our Mediation Process

Our mediation process follows a clearly defined structure and can be conducted in person at our Gold Coast office or alternatively, via telephone or online.

At AID Resolutions, we aim to help you avoid unnecessary legal costs and streamline the process to resolution for both parties involved. AID Resolutions’ Mediation sessions generally follow the steps outlined below:

How Does Mediation Work & Why Use It?
Mediator Introduction & Parties Opening Statement
The mediator will greet the involved parties, provide an overview of the process and make sure that everyone knows what to expect during the mediation. We will also ensure that all parties understand the role of the mediator during the dispute resolution phases. Each person involved in the mediation will be asked to make an ‘opening statement’ about why they are at the mediation, as well as summarising the topics they wish to address.
Neighbourhood Dispute Resolution & Community Mediation Services
Setting the Mediation Agenda
After each party’s opening statement is given, the mediator will present the issues and topics for discussion, which will form the mediation agenda. Your mediator then assists both parties in listing the order of discussion for these issues so everyone involved is heard equally.
Exploring Issues & Conducting Individual Meetings

This part of the mediation is aimed at exploring each of the main agenda items, ultimately assisting each party to gain a better understanding of the other’s perspective. In addition to facilitating the discussion, your mediator will assist both parties to consider alternative and practical options for resolving their dispute.

Each party will be given the opportunity to speak privately with the mediator. Separate sessions allow each party to speak freely and confidentially with the mediator about anything that they didn’t wish to discuss in an open joint session. The mediator will also assist parties in exploring and discussing any proposals to put to the other party or options for a mutual agreement where possible.

Negotiation and Reaching an Agreement

As the mediation progresses, the mediator will work with each party to suggest different options, with a view to reaching the best resolution. Depending on the situation, this may involve testing the practicality, feasibility and necessity of each one, as well as considering potential implications and outcomes in the case of non-agreement.

When parties reach an agreement on some or all of the items discussed during mediation, this will be documented in writing to reflect the formal terms reached. It is each party’s responsibility to ensure they’re aware of the legal implications of the decisions made. It is not the mediator’s role to provide advice to either party at any stage of the mediation process. It is also strongly advised to seek legal advice before agreeing to all or some of the items included in the proposed agreement.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 4

Face-to-Face Mediation and Online Dispute Resolution Services

At AID Resolutions, we’re here for you every step of the way, offering private & confidential face-to-face mediation for Gold Coast and Brisbane based clients, as well as online mediation services, nationwide.

By facilitating fair, informal & neutral dispute resolution and mediation, we assist all parties involved in reaching amicable and enduring agreements. Our online mediation service allows you to resolve disputes with ease, without the need for additional travel.

This gives parties who do not wish to be in the same room for their mediation or who live in different locations an accessible and more convenient alternative. From anywhere in Australia, you can mediate from the comfort of your own home or desired location.

Contact AID Resolutions
For an obligation-free discussion to explore your needs

At AID Resolutions, we understand that you may have some questions about mediation & how to best prepare for the mediation process. Call us directly or please fill out the details below and we’ll contact you as soon as possible!

Frequently Asked Questions

Family Dispute Resolution is a specialised form of mediation. To be able to work with families and conduct Family Dispute Resolution (FDR), the practitioner requires qualifications in not just Mediation, but also in Family Dispute Resolution. As a speciality area, it requires knowledge in domestic and family violence, the Family Law Act, relationship power dynamics, the impact of conflict on children and how to conduct mediation with a child focus. Certain legal obligations also apply to FDRPs.

A Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner is required to be accredited with the Attorney General’s Department and meet their qualification standards.

Section 60(i) Certificates are a requirement in the Family Law Act 1975 and inform the Court that the parties have attempted to resolve their dispute regarding the children prior to attending Court.

An accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner can provide a Section 60(i) Certificate as part of Family Dispute Resolution. There are 5 different certificates that can be issued as well. Ideally, clients will hopefully be able to resolve their dispute in mediation and not need to go to Court, however in certain circumstances attending Court may be the only way to get a resolution.

​Please note that Section 60(i) Certificates are only valid for 12 months from your last attendance or attempt at Family Dispute Resolution and can not be issued or reissued after this time.

Not all cases are suitable for mediation. However, following your intake session with one of our mediators, we can assess your situation and dispute and advise accordingly.

Mediation can be a daunting experience, but it doesn’t have to be. Understanding the process is important and we are here to ensure that you have all of the information you need. We can help the involved parties to openly discuss and come to a mutual agreement regarding the dispute/s at hand and help them avoid the arduous and expensive process of attending court.

Generally, there are two stages to the Mediation process:

  • The first stage is intake – this is a one on one appointment with the Mediator, both parties attend an individual Intake appointment to assist the Mediator to make an assessment of suitability for mediation, to have an understanding of the previous and current relationships between all significant parties and to assist the clients in preparing for mediation.
  • The second stage is mediation. There are several ways this can be conducted, some of these include:
    • Joint mediation where the parties and the Mediator are all in the same room.
    • Shuttle mediation, where the parties are in separate rooms and the mediator goes between the rooms facilitating the discussion and negotiations.
    • Legally assisted mediation, where the client’s Lawyer’s attend the mediation and assist their clients by providing in the moment advice regarding their situation and the negotiations.

There is also the option of telephone and online mediation. ​In certain circumstances, Child Informed Mediation may also be an option. This is a process whereby the children speak to a qualified Child Consultant and the Child Consultant attends the mediation on the children’s behalf and assists the parents to consider their children’s views when negotiating.

The 4 main steps of mediation involve;

  1. Mediation Introduction & Parties Opening Statement
  2. Setting the Mediation Agenda
  3. Exploring Issues & Conducting individual meetings
  4. Negotiation & Reaching an Agreement